Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (2025)

Sin Belore, a Blood Elf RP guild on Argent Dawn (EU)

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Sin Belore::Public::Applications

3 posters


Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (8)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (9)Subject: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (10)Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:08 am

[1] Character's name ingame: Tygarian
[2] Character's class and level: arcane mage lvl 24

[3] Professions: herbalism & inscription

[4] Why does your character want to join the Sin Belore?:
tygarian seeks to make amends for what he see's as a personal failure to defend quel'thalas and his family by dedicating his life to the honour of the sin dorai and the defnce of the kingdom.

[5] Background of your character
tygarian was comparativly young at the time of arthas's attack on silvermoon being only a 119 years of age. tygarian belongs to the respected house of valemar. His father an acomlished mage and chronicler, his mother a respected ranger who served under ranger general sylvanus windrunner herself. while growing up tygarian learned the arts of magic from his father as well as the importance and power of recording the events of his people and while tygarian never showed a strong affinaty for archery like his sister lewsha, his mother nonetheless taught him how to find and use the powerful plants in the woods around the family home. Tygarian was studying in dalaran when he received a message from his father stating that he knew a scourge attack was iminent and that he had come to know of a traitor in their midst that he intended to confront. Tygarian imidiatly abandoned his training against the wishes of his masters and made for quel'thalas. he arrived to a scene of devastation his home and people destroyed. he then learned that his mother had died in silvermoons defence and his sister was missing presumed among the endless dead and his father had indeed confronted the traitor known as dhar khan alone. when his father tried to convince dhar kan to give himself up to the king the vile creature had agreed and struck his father down as soon as he had lowered his guard. tygarian has since taken an oath over the body of his father to defend his people and the families honour and most of all he swore revenge against his fathers killer.

[6] How did you hear of the Sin Belore?:I had heard about you through playing one of my other horde characters in general conversation and i recently came across a group of the sin belore in the ghostlands.

[7] Why do you want to join us?:i play defias broth because i wanted a rp aswell as pvp enviroment and am looking for a more involved experiance in both areas than the open game world provides. that and the belves are my favorite race and sin belore looks to be the best guild for it.

[8] Your experience in WoW: ive played for a while but have only recently started playing again and i used to play pvp but have now decided to rppvp instead.

[9] Your experience in roleplaying:this is my first experiance of rp and to put it simply im hooked.

[10] Are you able to stay In Character on following channels: /Say /emote /yell at all times?

[11] Are you familiar with the terms god-emoting and meta-gaming, and do you think you are able to avoid those traps in your roleplay?
ive not heard the terms before but if explained to me im sure id be able to avoid faling into them.

[12] Tell us a bit about yourself: (how old are you, where do you live, do you work or go to school, how much do you usually play etc.)
well ill keep this shorter than my characters backround im 19 and live in england i do work fulltime but still find plenty of time to play wow everyday if i possible thats about it i suppose look foward to hearing from you.
Glory to the sin dorai


Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (13)
Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-03-12
Age : 37
Location : England

Character sheet
Name: Kaleil Sunstrike
Rank: Sin Drassil
Class: Blood Knight

Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (14)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (15)Subject: Re: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (16)Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:28 am
tygarian wrote:
[1] Character's name ingame: Tygarian
[2] Character's class and level: arcane mage lvl 24

[3] Professions: herbalism & inscription

[4] Why does your character want to join the Sin Belore?:
tygarian seeks to make amends for what he see's as a personal failure to defend quel'thalas and his family by dedicating his life to the honour of the sin dorai and the defnce of the kingdom.

[5] Background of your character
tygarian was comparativly young at the time of arthas's attack on silvermoon being only a 119 years of age. tygarian belongs to the respected house of valemar. His father an acomlished mage and chronicler, his mother a respected ranger who served under ranger general sylvanus windrunner herself. while growing up tygarian learned the arts of magic from his father as well as the importance and power of recording the events of his people and while tygarian never showed a strong affinaty for archery like his sister lewsha, his mother nonetheless taught him how to find and use the powerful plants in the woods around the family home. Tygarian was studying in dalaran when he received a message from his father stating that he knew a scourge attack was iminent and that he had come to know of a traitor in their midst that he intended to confront. Tygarian imidiatly abandoned his training against the wishes of his masters and made for quel'thalas. he arrived to a scene of devastation his home and people destroyed. he then learned that his mother had died in silvermoons defence and his sister was missing presumed among the endless dead and his father had indeed confronted the traitor known as dhar khan alone. when his father tried to convince dhar kan to give himself up to the king the vile creature had agreed and struck his father down as soon as he had lowered his guard. tygarian has since taken an oath over the body of his father to defend his people and the families honour and most of all he swore revenge against his fathers killer.

[6] How did you hear of the Sin Belore?:I had heard about you through playing one of my other horde characters in general conversation and i recently came across a group of the sin belore in the ghostlands.

[7] Why do you want to join us?:i play defias broth because i wanted a rp aswell as pvp enviroment and am looking for a more involved experiance in both areas than the open game world provides. that and the belves are my favorite race and sin belore looks to be the best guild for it.

[8] Your experience in WoW: ive played for a while but have only recently started playing again and i used to play pvp but have now decided to rppvp instead.

[9] Your experience in roleplaying:this is my first experiance of rp and to put it simply im hooked.

[10] Are you able to stay In Character on following channels: /Say /emote /yell at all times?

[11] Are you familiar with the terms god-emoting and meta-gaming, and do you think you are able to avoid those traps in your roleplay?
ive not heard the terms before but if explained to me im sure id be able to avoid faling into them.

[12] Tell us a bit about yourself: (how old are you, where do you live, do you work or go to school, how much do you usually play etc.)
well ill keep this shorter than my characters backround im 19 and live in england i do work fulltime but still find plenty of time to play wow everyday if i possible thats about it i suppose look foward to hearing from you.
Glory to the sin dorai

Spellings a tad iffy, perhaps being in a Roleplay Guild would help that, I think your story has too many lore characters mentioned However you seem willing and very eager I'd welcome you! Plus your English Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (17)


Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (20)
Posts : 876
Join date : 2010-12-20
Age : 43
Location : Finland

Character sheet
Name: Nessra Sunwhisper
Rank: Sin Ashisore
Class: Rogue

Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (21)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (22)Subject: Re: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (23)Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:23 pm

Were you aware of when you named your character?

Tygarrian valemar

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-06-28

Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (26)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (27)Subject: Re: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (28)Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:12 pm

hey thanks for the feedback. uhh no ive just looked and had no idea, the idea for the name actually came from sean beans new series game of thrones, is it a probelm ?

yes i have just noticed my spelling was a tad off, it was quite late when i wrote the application so i may have let a few mistakes slip in. ill have to watch that in the future as for the lore names i did wonder whether to include them or not but i have been careful not to personally associate tygarian with any of the names mentioned but i can tweek the background if necessary.


Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (31)
Posts : 876
Join date : 2010-12-20
Age : 43
Location : Finland

Character sheet
Name: Nessra Sunwhisper
Rank: Sin Ashisore
Class: Rogue

Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (32)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (33)Subject: Re: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (34)Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:52 pm

I'd say it's acceptable to use lore charactes in ones background as long as they are distant and insignificant enough... something any average blood elf might accomplish.

"My mother was Sylvanas's best friend" Would be unacceptable, where as "My brother once sold bread to Sylvanas and had a brief talk with her" would be fine. I assume Sylvanas worked with plenty of elves during her life, thus claiming that one's close relative worked with her would be fine.... just as long as it stays there and no further claims are made, such as friendship or having a high status in her ranks. Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (35)
I'd let the meeting between his father and Dar'khan pass as well, since his father failed in his attempt to kill him. I'm sure many tried and failed. Claiming the kill for oneself/one's relative, would be unacceptable ofcourse.

Whisper Celistra, Drathun. Shelis, Nessra or Kristeas ingame and we will sort out an In character interview for you.

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Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (38)
Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (39)Subject: Re: Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage (40)

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Application of tygarian lvl 24 arcane mage

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Application of tygarian  lvl 24 arcane mage (2025)
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